April 11-13, 2013
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
Full Program & Schedule: http://sites.duke.edu/clas/symposium-2013/symposium-schedule/
Registration (Free and Open to all!): http://tinyurl.com/bsbby3q
Late Antiquity Made New brings together more than fifty internationally recognized scholars of Late Ancient and Early Christian Studies and their related disciplines. The conference has two projects: documenting the emergence of “Late Antiquity” as a discipline within and beyond the Study of Religion during the past four decades, and exploring directions for contemporary and future research in the field.
With Keynotes By:
Patricia Cox Miller (Syracuse): “Caressing the Wolf’s Head: Reading Animals in Early Christianity”
Dale Martin (Yale): “Armed and Not Dangerous: Jesus in Jerusalem”
Catherine Chin (UC-Davis): “Aristocratic and Apostolic Genealogies in the Late Fourth Century”
We warmly welcome all guests. For further information, please contact Tammy Thorton at the Duke Religion Department (tammy.thorton@duke.edu).
Sponsored by
John-Kelly C. Warren Roman Catholic Studies Endowment
Evelyn and Valfrid Palmer Roman Catholic Studies Endowment
Dennis and Rita Meyer Endowment Fund
The Center for Jewish Studies
The Duke/UNC Center for Late Ancient Studies
Duke Department of Religion
Duke Divinity School
Duke University Graduate School
The American Academy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies, UNC Chapel Hill
Duke History Department
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences
Office of the Provost