The ERC research group Novel Saints (Ghent University) hosts an international conference on ‘Holy Hero(in)es: Literary Constructions of Heroism in Late Antique and Early Medieval Hagiography’ in the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letterkunde (KANTL), Koningstraat 18, 9000 Ghent (Belgium) from Thursday 18 February to Saturday 20 February.
Keynote lecture by prof. Stephanos Efthymiadis (Open University of Cyprus), ‘Saints and second heroes: cases and forms of an extended narrative in Byzantine hagiography’.
The full programme is available on Information about transport, accommodation, and practicalities can be found on
Online registration is now open. To register, please visit our booking page: There is an early birds registration fee until the 9th of January. For further queries, please contact or
Prof. dr. Koen De Temmerman
Klazina Staat
Julie Van Pelt