Rome, 20-21 September 2012
Palazzo Falconieri, Accademia d’Ungheria, Via Giulia 1, Roma
See more for the conference schedule.
Thursday 20 September 2012
9 am – 9: 30 am
Welcome Addresses and Introductory Presentation
Antal Molnár, director of the Hungarian Academy in Rome
Marianne Sághy, Michele R. Salzman, Rita Lizzi Testa conference organizers
9: 30 am – 11 am The Topography of Paganism and Christianity in Late Antique Rome
Laura Acampora (Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, Roma) Pagan Temples and Christian Buildings in Rome between the Fourth and Fifth Century: an Archeological and Topographical Approach
Michael Mulryan – Luke Lavan (University of Kent) The Fate of Temples of Ostia in an Italian Context
Claire Sotinel (Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne) The Urban Prefect and Christian Building Projects in Rome
11 am -11:30 am Coffee Break
11:30 am – 1 pm Law, Cult, Cultural Memory
María Victoria Escribano Paño (University of Zaragoza), Pagans and Christians in Fourth-Century Rome: Interpreting the Evidence of Codex Theodosianus XVI
Douglas Boin (Georgetown University) Imperial Cult in Christian Rome:
Towards a More Nuanced Understanding of Fourth and Fifth Century Society
Gitte Lønstrup Dal Santo (Accademia di Danimarca, Roma) Storytelling and Cultural Memory in the Making: Celebrating Pagan and Christian Founders of Rome
1 pm- 3 pm Lunch
3 pm- 4:30 pm Pagan Cults
Kristine Iara (LMU München) Connecting the Remains: Cult Places in Late Antique Rome
Silviu Anghel (EDRIS, Göttingen) Shifting the Ortodoxy: the Changing Face of Pagan Cults in Late Antique Rome
Jonas Bjornebie (Accademia di Norvegia, Roma) Re-Interpreting the Cult of Mithras in Late Antique Rome
4:30 pm – 5 pm Coffee Break
5 pm- 6:30 pm Christianity and the City
Danielle Slootjes (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) Christianity and its Influence on Crowd Behavior in Late Antique Rome
Giulia Marconi (Università di Perugia) Pagans, Christians and Young People: Spaces of Education in Fourth-Fifth Century Rome
David Natal (University of Manchester) Symmachus and the Anician Entourage: Famine and Religious Controversy in late Fourth-Century Rome
7 pm Keynote lecture
Michele R. Salzman (University of California Riverside) Pagans and Christians in Constantine’s Rome
8 pm Cocktail
Friday 21 September
9 am-10:30 am Conflict and Cohabitation
Robert Chenault (Villamette University) Beyond Pagans and Christians: Politics and Infra-Christian Conflict in the Controversy over the Altar of Victory of Rome
Maijastina Kahlos (Helsinki University) Artis heu magicis: The Label of Magic in the Fourth-century Conflicts and Disputes
Gaetano Colantuono (Università di Bari) Propter copiam puellarum: Interreligious Marriages among Christians and Pagans in the Late Antiquity
10:30-11 am Coffee Break
11 am – 12:30 pm Looking at the Gods: Reading Divine Images
Alessandra Bravi (Università di Perugia) Divine Images between Decoration and Cult in Fourth-Century Rome
Caroline Michel d’Annoville (University of Grenoble 2) Rome and Imagery in Late Antiquity: Perception and Uses of Statues in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries
Levente Nagy (Pécs University) Hercules the Christian
12:30- 3 pm Lunch
3 pm – 4:30 pm Poetry and Propaganda
Marianne Sághy (CEU Budapest), Christianity as Romanitas:Bishop Damasus’ Reforms
Dennis E. Trout (University of Missouri) Making Difference: the Carmina contra Paganos and the Invention of Late Roman Paganism
Neil McLynn (Oxford University), Poetry and Pagans in Late Antique Rome: the Case of the Senator ’Converted from the Christian religion to Servitude to the Idols’
4:30 pm – 5 pm Coffee Break
5 pm – 6:30 pm Family Pietas and Cult of the Saints
Francesca Diosono (Università di Perugia) Professiones gentiliciae. The collegia of Rome between paganism and Christianity
Nicola Denzey (Brown University, USA) Reinterpreting ’Pagans’ and ’Christians’ from Rome’s Late Antique Mortuary Evidence
Hartwin Brandt (Bamberg University) Paulinus of Nola and the City of Rome
7 pm
Concluding remarks by Rita Lizzi Testa
8 pm Dinner