“La Identidad de Jesús: Unidad y Diversidad en la época de la Patrística” San Juan, Argentina, August 8-12, 2012
The First International Congress on Patristic Studies in Latin America, “The Identity of Jesus: Unity and Diversity in the Patristic Period,” will be held in San Juan, Argentina, August 8-12, 2012. Paper proposals in English, Spanish, Italian, and French can be sent by March 31, 2012 to info@laidentidaddejesus.com, and other details about the meeting can be found at http://laidentidaddejesus.com/index/php/es/.
You may also contact:
For North America: Michael B. Simmons (bishopsimmons@centurytel.net)
For Latin America: Patricia Ciner (patriciaciner@yahoo.com.ar)